
(Extracted from 'Sustainability UK')

Regardless of all so-called ‘progress’, escalating harm exists at every level of Life.

For example, for human Life:

Deeply-troubled individuals.

Failed relationships.

Ruined marriages.

Broken families.

Damaged children.

Unresolved dis-ease across all ages.

And not to mention:





Population explosion.


Migratory issues, and on.

And, more widely, the harm escalates, with so-called 'Global warming' being just one driver:

Many other Life-forms continue to be harmed.

Damage to many aspects of the underlying ecology continues.

The lack of ‘Sustainability’ is thereby increasing.

In practical terms therefore:

“No aspect of ‘Convention’ is working well-enough to justify complacency on the part of anyone”.

There are however thoroughly sound, and [ultimately] workable, alternatives.

They exist and they belong in the public domain.

Unhelpfully, they have yet to be published anywhere.

Simple options do however exist for anyone, and everyone:

Continue on the existing path of mass unsustainable activity.

Or, if only for future generations, discover the soundest-possible alternative.
