Initial Links

The original foundational infrastructure of Derek's unique initiative was extensive.

Most of the options remain recoverable in one form or another.

Even in the absence of additional resources, some are being re-instated at this stage.

These are primarily the introductory Gateways to the wider service.

The following examples will therefore change and expand as progress is made.

They lead to quite an array of introductory information.

These are the initial 'Gateway' selection:

The 'To WOW' options.

To actively 'Help'.

To 'Boost' the re-start progress.

To 'Support' the project.

To 'Register' with it.

For 'Membership' options.

To introduce 'Help 4 All'.

Introducing the founder's 'Derek Whittall' contributions.

To 'Derek Whittall', main Introduction.

To identify 'The Consultancies'.

To 'Explore' other initial start-points.

This is a more-direct option: 'Interested?'